Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Genes, Drugs & Tests

Merril Goozner of Gooznews has written an excellent summary and commentary on what he refers to as the NY Times' “'mostly excellent' story on 'personalized' drug therapy.” The “mostly excellent” story appeared on the front page of the Times yesterday. Goozner offers this summation

1. Most drugs only work on a subset of patients who take them.

2. Gene variations may determine some of that variable response.

3. DNA tests to determine those variations are poorly regulated by the Food and Drug Administration; many may be inaccurate.

4. Using knowledge about varying drug responses based on genetic differences will undermine the drug industry's profit model, which usually depends on selling to everyone who has a particular disease.

Goozner also offers “two minor complaints” about the Times story. Both Goozner's commentary and the NY Times story itself are well worth a read. Links below.

Gooznews, DNA-Driven Medicine
NY Times, Patient's DNA May Be Signal to Tailor Medication

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