Sunday, December 28, 2008

Electronic Medical Records, What They Look Like, What They Can Do

The Obama administration has stated that the institution of electronic medical records will play a role in its forthcoming efforts to reform health care in the United States. According to the NY Times, “During the campaign, Mr. Obama vowed to spend $50 billion over five years to spur the adoption of electronic health records and said recently that a program to accelerate their use would be part of his stimulus package." Max Baucus, Senate Finance Committee Chairman, has stated that the stimulus package will likely include grants and tax breaks for doctors and hospitals to invest in health IT. The Washington Post has reported that its sources "cited $10 billion as a potential figure for health IT in the stimulus package." In addition, CMS has modified its Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement payments to include a 2% incentive to encourage hospitals to upgrade their records systems with health IT and a 2% penalty within two years for hospitals that do not adopt health IT.

The NY Times has run an article featuring the use, efficacy, and potential of electronic medical records. The article also features an example of what an electronic medical record looks like.

For a number of reasons, the article is well worth a read. Find it here.

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